What's new?

Sai Ram! Welcome!

Here are some things that might have changed since your last look.





Center Guidelines an Center manual are available in English and Espagnol (Spanish).

  • 26 Nov. Gary Belz becomes chair of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation, replacing Dr. Michael Goldstein, who served in that position for so long and so well. Here is a 24 November letter about this from Narendra Reddy, Chair, Prasanthi Council.

  • 26 Nov. saicast.org has a number of new videos —discourses, bhajans with Swami, talk, etc.

  • 07 Nov. sssbpt.info has a new discourse from 25 July 1996.

  • 23 Oct. saicast.org has a lot more vidoes —discourses, past talks, as well as talks given last week by Srkanth Sola, cardiologist at Swami's superspecialty hospital in Bangalore.

  • 11 Oct. Visit website saipublications.com/ for dicourses by Swami to students and books by students.. This is Sai Publications, a Division of the Sri Sathya Sai Society for Senior Students, in Prasanthi Nilayam. This new bookstore is now displayed in our subpage on bookstores.

  • 11 Oct. Fanibunda's complete talk in 1991 is now on saicast.org.

  • 02 Oct. The website for Swami's discourses and the Vahinis, sssbpt.info, has a new discourses from 24 July 1996 that is not in the Sathya Sai Speaks series. Click on "Sathya sai Speaks English" and then on volume 29. Or use this link: www.sssbpt.info/english/sssvol29.html.

  • 30 Sep. Center Guidelines are available.

  • 22 Sep. The 2013 Calendar of events is available.

  • 18 Sep. saicast.org has more videos: Some of Swami's discourses from 1996, talks from the 1990s by the Sharon and Sam Sandweiss, Charles and Faith Penn, and Anne Sohani, and "Jhoola (swing)" darshan from 1990.

  • 02 Sep. Talks by Narendra Reddy and V. Srinivasan of 25 August are on Saicast.org, along with Swami'sBirthday discourse in 1976 and a talk by Anne Sohani in 1992.

  • 23 Aug. saicast.org has a new video of a talk given by Hal Honig in 1993.

  • 16 Aug. The website for Swami's discourses and the Vahinis, sssbpt.info, has a dozen new discourses from July 1996 that are not in the Sathya Sai Speaks series. Click on "Sathya sai Speaks English" and then on volume 29. Or use this link: www.sssbpt.info/english/sssvol29.html.

    Three discourses from the First World World Youth Conference (1997) are now on saicast.org.

  • 08 Aug. See a picture of President Obama talking at the House of Blues in New Orleans on 25 July under the watchful eye of Swami.

  • 01 Aug. Saicast.org has a Bock film on the 60th Birthday (1985).

  • 27 July. Chinese New Year to be celebrated on 15-16 February 2013. It is organized by Zone 4, but all Chinese (and oter devotees) throughout the world are encouraged to attend. Announcement (pdf file). Registration form for zone 4 participants (xlxs zipped file).

  • 21 July. SathyaSai.org has a new look on its home page, designed to let you see easily what is happening in Prasanthi Nilayam, with new videos, and with new description of service projects on sailoveinaction.org.

    Look also at the new index for sathyasai.org! Use it to easily find what you are looking for.

  • 20 July. The Planetarium has a new show titled "Space Opera of Timeline360 featuring a voyage across the Solar System and beyond. produced by Gustav Holst. It will be shown at the Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre regularly on Thursdays and Sundays..

  • 11 July. Saicast.org has new material --talks and interviews by people, some videos from the 1990s, and so on. We will be updating it regularly from now on, at least once a week and usually more, with new videos. SaiLoveInAction.org has more descriptions of Sai service projects.

  • 24 Feb. The 114-page special issue of India Today, titled "Divine Grace", is available as a pdf file with bookmarks (9.3 MB). We are working on scanning it in better and may update the file in 2 weeks.

  • 23 Feb. A new website, SaiLoveInAction.org, is now available. It presents descriptions of Sai Center and individual selfless service projects throughout the world --not many yet, but everyone who has a "story" to tell can offer to author the story. Take a look at this site!

  • 24 Jan. The sheet music on our website has been updated with new songs.








  • 25 Dec. Merry Xmas! SEE SWAMI ON TV. As of 25 Dec 2006, It is possible to see programs on Swami on Thursdays, 9PM to 9:20PM IST (India Standard Time --which begins at 3:30PM GMT) on the Sanskar satellite channel. The program is produced by Prasanthi Digital Studio, in Prasanthi Nilayam. Sanskar broadcasts on the Thaicm3 satellite. We have been told that the service has been expanded to the US now. More technical details are available at http://lyngsat.com/thai3.shtml.