Other books concerning
Sathya Sai Baba

Om Sai Ram


Knowledge of the Soul, by Adi Sankaracharya, translated by Camille Svensson with comments from the writings of Sathya Sai Baba.

Adi Sankaracharya was a 9th century religious sage and scholar who devoted his life to "propagating the sacred Indian culture" (SSB). Sankara's treatise is a brief but thorough explanation of the classical Hindu concept of the Atma (soul, true Self) and the road that leads to its realization. The text is technical, but the interspersed explanations of Swami help to clarify each thought. (S)

In which the Sanskrit words have been omitted, selected and edited
By Grace J. McMartin

This collection is a sequel to Grace McMartin's earlier work, A Recapitulation of Sathya Sai Baba's Divine Teachings. The book's material has been organized to clearly reveal different aspects of Swami's teachings. Sanskrit terms have been appropriately translated to make Swami's thoughts more accessible for beginners. (G)

For Overseas Devotees

The major bhajans (devotional songs) and prayers sung at Prashanti Nilayam and Brindavan, along with translations, are found in this volume. It also conveniently contains the 108 Names of Sai, the Arathi Prayer (the worship of God with flame and camphor), the Sarva Dharma Prayer (prayer of many faiths), the Asatoma (from untruth lead us to truth), the Vibhuthi Prayer (sacred ash) and the Suprabhatam (awakening prayer), as well as discourses by Sathya Sai Baba an the Gayatri mantra (the ancient universal Hindu mantra) and bhajans. The book also contains "19 guidelines, or discipline for conducting bhajans" compiled directly from Swami's words. (S)

Translated by Camille Svensson with comments from the writings of Sai Baba

The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is in actuality "A textbook of dharma (right action)" (SSB) forming a part of the ancient Indian epic the Mahabharata. The Gita tells the story of Lord Krishna's instructions to the warrior Arjuna during the crucial battle of Kurukshetra. Arjuna is in despair because he must battle his cousins. To cure his anguish, Krishna delivers a discourse on the path of dharma, ultimately revealing the means by which peace and harmony can be attained, even though one is engaged in worldly activity. The definitions and practical methods of a variety of yogas (spiritual disciplines) are also covered. Ample selections from Swami' s writings enhance the subtle teachings. (S)

Stories and Parables Quoted from the Divine Discourses of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Originally compiled by the Sri Sathya Sai Study Circle, Delhi, and the Prashanti workshop, Madras. Revised and enlarged by N. Kasturi.

The Chinna Katha (little story), is a technique Sathya Sai Baba uses to illustrate points in his discourses. These 250 stories provide a flash of illumination, a humorous aside, a vision of epic grandeur, a poke at pompous absurdity, a poetic pause in the midst of theoretical analysis. Drawn from a variety of sources, the stories tell of saints and sages, Gods and men. and even of animals and objects striving to achieve their purpose. With dramatic intensity, each mesmerizing tale weaves its way to the punch line, a profound truth clearly and simply stated. A good introduction for beginners. Chinna Katha is also gratifying for readers already familiar with Swami's teachings.

By Dr. John Hislop

In this remarkable book, the former president of the American Sathya Sai Baba Organization asks Swami many of the questions you've always wanted to ask, including: what prevents us from seeing the truth; the limit of one's responsibility; how can one develop love?; what does 'surrender to the Lord' mean; how does one get devotion to God; what is the short cut to self-realization; how does one determine the dharma (right action) appropriate to oneself; what does Swami see when he looks at us; and hundreds of additional questions. The dialogues, taken from 10 years of interviews, are presented in an easy-to-read question-and-answer format. The book provides valuable insight into our own lives, and Swami's answers are sometimes unexpected but always sweet, profound, and deeply illuminating. (S)(G)

By Phyllis Krystal, edited by Sheila Krystal

The author of Sai Baba, The Ultimate Experience, a working therapist and longtime devotee, shares the methods she has developed for lessening the hold of fears, attachments, and other obstacles to spiritual development. Combining Jungian personality theory with meditative techniques, the author leads us step by step through visualization exercises aimed at progressively unbinding the individual. The book contains an excellent explanation of higher consciousness along with case studies illustrating how to work with intuitive guidance.

By Phyllis Krystal, edited by Sheila Krystal

The process first described by Phyllis Krystal in Cutting the Ties That Bind continues in this sequel. With an emphasis on Sai Baba's EHV (education in human values) program, which is directed at youngsters, this book offers additional exercises, case studies and new insights aimed at progressively freeing the Self.

Compiled by Smt. Kausalya Rani Raghavan

A large selection of prayers in Sanskrit has been gracefully rendered into English and explained in this volume. Included are the 108 names glorifying the Lord, the awakening song at dawn, prayers adoring the auspiciousness of the Lord, the vibhuti (sacred ash) prayer, invocations to the guru, the devotee's surrender to the Lord, and hymns before taking food, before morning prayers, and before evening prayers.

A Collection of Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Sayings, by Tumuluru Krishna Murthy

New collections of Swami's sayings are always welcome. As V.K. Narasimhan, the current editor of Sanathana Sarathi, has noted, "Baba's writings, discourses, and sayings are a perennial and inexhaustible source of inspiration, illumination, and guidance for spiritual aspirants everywhere." Digest is also a unique reference book of Sathya Sai Baba sayings. The quotations, compiled from many of Swami's writings and discourses, are conveniently arranged in alphabetical order along with their sources. In addition, the author provides numerous cross references. The format of this book makes it easy to locate specific Swami sayings on a selection of subjects. (S)


This is a pleasingly boxed collection of discourses given by Swamiat the November 1987 Birthday celebrations The talks include: Birthday blessing, education & seva (selfless service), and three discourses on advaitha (non-dualism) through selfless service. (S)

Divine Discourses of Sathya Sai Baba, translated by Lee Hewlett and K. Nataraj, forward by Sir George Trevelyan.

Baba's Christmas discourses are eagerly awaited events, sincehe always sheds much light and understanding on the life and mission of Jesus. This book contains Christmas discourses from 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979, assembled in a format reminiscent of biblical stanzas. (S)

The Chosen Mother, by N. Kasturi

Sathya Sai Baba tells us that before his birth in Puttaparthi, "I decided who should be my mother"(SSB). What was it like to be transformed from a poor, illiterate, ordinary Indian housewife, living in fear and superstition, into the mother of the Avatar? Kasturi, editor of the Sathya Sai Speaks series, has brought us a spiritually heightening and emotionally absorbing description of Easwaramma's journey of consciousness, piety, humor, and love. Like all spiritual aspirants, she had to journey along the inner path that leads to the master. But in the end, she "was shaped into a genuine saint" and she merged into Sai. This is an invaluable, very moving portrait with numerous insights into Swami's childhood and youth.

By D. Irani

A comprehensive, detail-filled ,76-page guide for those planning their first trip to see Sathya Sai Baba at Prashanti Nilayam. Topics range from transportation, travel accommodations, local currency, visas, clothing, hotels, food, to indeed all the information necessary for making the first trip --and every trip-- as well-planned, smooth, and 'Sai-entific' as possible. This short guidebook is indispensable for anyone traveling to the ashram. (S)

By N. Kasturi

One way devotees offer homage to the glory of Sathya Sai Baba is by reciting the 108 or 1008 Names. "Swami says that a string of 108 or 1008 Names is prescribed in the scriptures ... because there is just a chance that we will utter at least one name ... with a sincere feeling of yearning, and the Lord who is ever alert to respond to sincerity, will hear that one and bless", notes Kasturi in his preface. These commentaries on the 108 names are fascinating explorations into their spiritual, historical, and linguistic origins. This book also adds clarification of the Suprabhatam (awakening prayer), the Arathi (worship of God with flame and camphor). In addition, it contains Swami's analysis of the "Efficacy of Namasmarana (repetition of the name of God)". (See also Namasmarana and Sahasradalakamala). (S)


On the occasion of the first anniversary of The Kingdom of Sathya Sai, the alumni organization of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, this book was created as a garland of Sai remembrances. Students and professors share their moving Swami devotional experiences.


This is an exuberant collection of poetry and prose assembled for the celebration of Sathya Sai Baba's birthday in 1980. Among the 55 contributors are Prof. Gokak, Prof. Kasturi, Howard Murphet, Peggy Mason, Ravi Shankar, Hilda Charlton, V.K. Narasimhan, Dr. Samuel Sandweiss, V. Balu, Indulal Shah, Richard Bock, Dr. John Hislop, Dr. William Harvey, J. Jagathesan, Dr. Bhagavantam, Dr. Erlandur Haralsson, Richard Bayer, and Charles Penn.

By Smt. Kausalya Rani Raghavan

Over 300 questions and answers are assembled in this book to help devotees understand the basic terms, concepts, and scriptures of Indian spirituality frequently referred to by Sathya Sai Baba. The topics covered include: the sacred texts of Hinduism such as the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Mahabharatha, the Bhagavad Gita, the numerous systems of Indian philosophy, the major faiths of the world, as well as a selection of Baba's teachings studied by the author at Summer Courses during the early 1970's.

By Arthur Osborne

This is a biography of Sai Baba of Shirdi, a 19th century saint revered by both Hindus and Muslims. Sathya Sai Baba has revealed to us that Shirdi Sai was His previous incarnation. Although his personality was very different from the Sathya Sai Baba we know (he would shout, scold, and treat people roughly at times) the teachings are identical. Those of us who know Swami will recognize also the love and humor. The book relates varied events from the life of Shirdi Sai, who lived in a small village in Western India from 1856 to 1918. There are colorful descriptions of the half-ruined, mud-walled mosque where Shirdi Sai settled, his exuberant miracles, and his purity and strength. The author, an Englishman who introduced Ramana Maharshi to the West, based this small book on the experiences of devotees.

85 Years Under the Watchful Bye of the Lord, by N. Kasturi

This is a spiritual autobiography by one of Swami's most famous devotees, who was also the author of The Life of Sathya Sai Baba as well as editor of Sanathana Sarathi and numerous Swami volumes. This book covers the adventurous and fascinating early years of Prof. Kasturi's scholarly life in South India as well as the many blissful years of personal relationship in service to Swami at Prashanti Nilayam. One is amazed throughout the autobiography by the prodigious accomplishments and remarkable industry of this gentle man. The stories, the joy, the miracles, flow continuously. This is a life story filled with many spiritual rewards. (S)

A Universal Sadhana, A Garland of Extracts from Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Discourses
Compiled by Dr. Brahmanand Mavinkurve

This small book explains the methods, meaning, sweetness, and power of a most important spiritual exercise: remembering and repeating God's name. Continuously remembering the Lord's name provides divine oxygen that strengthens and sanctifies our lives. Kasturi, in his preface, notes that "Sai Baba has revealed the significance of namasmarana as an instrument for individual divinisation and social integration --group singing of the names of God is encouraged and appreciated by him, since the vibrations reduce pollution in the environment and in the mind". (See also Garland of 108 Precious Gems and Sahasradalakamala). (S)

A Study Guide to the Teachings of Sathya Sai Baba
By Jonathan Roof

This practical book is a convenient guide to the teachings of Sathya Sai Baba. It presents these teachings according to many topics ,including: faith, discipline, dharma (right action), truth, grace, meditation, reincarnation, karma, selfless service, love, peace, surrender, non-violence, devotion, and love. Each subject is supported by numerous quotations from Swami's writings, a handy reference list of books for further study, as well as a series of pertinent questions. The book was designed as a tool for Center Study Circles, but it is equally useful for individual practice.

Pathway to Peace, As Learnt at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan
By N. Kasturi

This book, by the long-time devotee and editor of Sanathana Sarathi, Sathya Sai Speaks, the Summer Showers and the Vahinis, is a compelling observation of "how Swami promotes prashanti (the highest peace) in us". Kasturi examines the pathway to God through the following topics: Swami's early life of; the recitation of God's name; the nine steps in the devotee's pilgrimage to God-realization; bhajans (devotional singing); samkeerthana (loud singing of the Lord's name); japa (repetition of the name) and dhyana (meditation); maya (worldly illusion); self-inquiry; divine discontent; steps in yoga (mind control); and seva (selfless service). (S)


Going to the ashram? This tiny guide tells you what you will find at Prashanthi Nilayam and Brindavan. It includes a sketch of Swami's life and mission, as well as concise information on daily ashram activities, interviews, accommodations, approach routes, climate, festivals, and the code of conduct.

(In which the Sanskrit words have been omitted)
Selected and edited by Grace J. McMartin

Grace McMartin has translated the Sanskrit terms in several discourses to make Sathya Sai Baba's thoughts more easily understandable to westerners, or anyone who has difficulty with the Sanskrit words. The key addresses by Swami contained here include: "Glory of Sathya Sai Avatar", "Who is Sai", and "The Message I Bring". (S) (G)

Quotations from the Divine Discourses of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Compiled by N. Kasturi

Sadhana means "spiritual discipline... mental cleanup... offering whatever one does or thinks or speaks at the feet of God" (SSB). The striking quotations from Sathya Sai Baba in this book are assembled so as to help us walk the path to God with his close guidance. Some of the areas covered are: spiritual discipline; karma; devotion; meditation; diet; physical and mental discipline; the role of the guru; and steady faith. Kasturi has added, "Let us make these pages our manual for liberation". (S)

1008 Names of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with English translation
By Dr. A.P. Narasappa, Dr. Radha Narasappa and Dr. R. Seethalaksmi

Sahasradalakamala signifies a 1000-petaled lotus, the topmost part of the brain where God is seated. The number 1000 indicates as well God' s vast powers and strength, while 1008 refers to Swami's innumerable attributes. In his preface, T.A. Appaji Gowda notes: that, "...the repetition of God's names is immensely helpful as this alone gives purity and concentration of mind ... to remove the obstacles for receiving the divine grace. By recitation one can ... experience the thrilling bliss thatmakes one's association with God more intimate". (See also Garland of 108 Precious Gems and Namasmarana). (S)

Vol. I, compiled by C. L Gandhi; Vol. II and III, compiled by Tumuluru Krishna Murthy

Handy for finding just the right Sathya Sai Baba quotation, these diminutive books, convenient for purse or pocket, contain a treasure of brief excerpts on topics ranging from the soul and God to cleanliness and diet. Volumes II and III include an index and headings for easy reference. Excerpts in both volumes are taken from Swami's writings and discourses; Vol. I also draws from Kasturi's four-part Life of Sathya Sai Baba. (S)

Practical Spirituality - A Visitors' Guide
By Mark and Barbara Gardner

This is an easy-to-read introductory book. The authors, in their preface, call it a "devotional guide for visitors to Sai Baba" offering "guidelines to those who may have a nominal spiritual background". There is a brief outline of Swami's teachings, an explanation of why people travel to see Swami, information to help beginners make some spiritual preparation for the trip, and a description of daily life at the ashram. It also contains Swamiquotations and simple bhajans (devotional songs). (S) (G)

(Some often asked questions)
By J. Jagathesan

Prepared for new members of the Malaysian Sai Centers, this short book will be of interest to all Sai devotees. In very practical terms it answers basic questions such as: what religion Sathya Sai Baba belongs to; what is the core of Swami's teachings; what must a devotee do; why does Swami perform miracles; and must one visit India to become a Sai devotee. The book also contains conveniently placed Swami quotations, appendices on miracles and meditation, and an essay on "Is God the Inner Motivator?"

By Mani Sahukar

Sathya Sai Baba has told us that Sai Baba of Shirdi was his previous incarnation. 'In this short book, a faithful devotee of Shirdi Sai shares sensitive insights, stories, and delightful memories of the beloved 19th century saint." The sage of Shirdi encouraged His followers to embrace bhakti (devotion) as the most rewarding spiritual path; and throughout this small book, we find an emphasis on the sacred contact between master and disciple - -the beauty of the guru-guided life". Other topics include: the miracles; descriptions of holy landmarks at Shirdi; the habits and temperament of Shirdi Sai; illustrations of his teachings and teaching methods; and his instantaneous appearances when called by devotees in distress. The book also contains excellent quotations by Shirdi Sai. (S) (G)

By R. Sitalakshmi

Excellent for bal vikas (education for Sai children), or youthful students of all ages, this tiny book is actually a primer in spiritual education. It brings together many of Swami's similes and parables drawn from nature and uses them as a springboard for spiritual growth. Phrases and questions such as. "what can the sun teach us" or "be like a lotus" are illustrated with charming verbal explanations and colorful paintings.

By R. Sitalakshmi

What Sathya Sai Baba refers to as "the alphabets of spiritual education" are pursued with loving verbal and pictorial illustrations in this tiny book. Here the youngster learns about a variety of spiritual concepts including: God, the guru, sadhana (spiritual discipline), control of the senses, monkey mind, prayer, meditation, service, namasmarana (repetition of the Lord's name), and purity of heart.


In this world of declining moral and human values, Swami's Education in Human Values (EHV) program for youngsters has become a shining light. The following topics, selected from Swami's discourses, are covered: the aim of education, the role of the teacher, the duty of a student, the ideal of womanhood, advice to children, Sai spiritual education, and parents' responsibility.


Joy and devotion overflow on every page of this 65th birthday album. The editors have gathered 89 riveting Swami stories of Sai devotees from all over the world. They range from leaders of ashrams, judges, writers, industrialists, scholars, and doctors to housewives, soldiers, lawyers, engineers, biochemists, monks, and social workers. Some devotees relate the dramatic way Swami entered their lives. Others share how Swami has transformed them forever through his omnipresence and miracles. The memories are so vivid that it appears as if you are right there as they happen. The impact of this unity of mankind for the love of Sathya Sai Baba is overwhelming. (8)

Compiled by Grace McMartin

The editor of Baba, The Breath of Sai and Recapitulation has created an uplifting book on the true meaning of seva (selfless service), all in Swami's words. It opens with "Look about for a chance to relieve, rescue or resuscitate" (SSB) and ends with the quotation "Seva is the worship you offer to the God in the heart of everyone" (SSB). In between is a treasure of information on the how, why and where of selfless service, as well as its spiritual benefits, all assembled from Swami's stimulating stories, teachings, and speeches. Also included are several pages of Swami quotations on selfless service, and the responsibilities of the seva dal (service volunteers). (S) (G)

The Wonderful Life and Teachings of Shri Sai Baba, by Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji, B.A., LL.B.

This is a brilliant compilation of dozens of stories, memories and lessons drawn from the life and teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba, the previous incarnation of Sathya Sai Baba. The colorful spirit of Shirdi Sai comes vividly to life here. In interviews with devotees, Sathya Sai Baba has stressed the importance of studying this very special book on Shirdi Sai. Before the actual writing commenced, the Saint of Shirdi Himself blessed the author, saying that he would write the book through him. This has given the volume a kind of mystical intensity. Illustrated. (S)

By Indulal Shah

The accomplishments of the Sathya Sai Seva Organization from 1965 through 1980 are recorded in Sixteen Spiritual Summers by the Chairman of the World Council and author of We Devotees, Indulal Shah. Here he details the achievements of Sathya Sai Baba's children's education program (bal vikas) and Education in Human Values program, as well as University programs. Since the author worked for Swami for years as one of the major administrators of the Sai Organization, he shares his personal experiences in that role, as well as some thoughts on how all can share the elation of being at Swami's lotus feet.

SMRUTI '82 and SMRUTI '83

Smruti means "to remember" and what is remembered in these two offerings are the teachings of Sathya Sai Baba. The books contain essays and memories of professors, students, and alumni of the Brindavan, Prashanthi Nilayam, and Anantapur Campuses of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.

Age group 6-9 (Education in Human Values)

A thorough discussion of the five human values --truth, right action, peace, love, and nonviolence-- and their sub-values can be found in this publication. Stories on each of the values and the lives of saints and great human beings are presented in three sections, corresponding to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students. Although many religions are presented, the emphasis is on Indian culture. The book is an extremely helpful book for those teaching spiritual values.

Age group 9-12 (Education in Human Values)

Highlights in Part II are episodes from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, along with stories from various world cultures. They are used to illustrate the five human values as well as showcase great spiritual teachers. At the end of each short story are a few questions. The book is an excellent primer in spiritual ideas.


This handy assembly of short quotations includes thoughts and instructions given to individuals and groups by Swami. Some of the subjects covered are: meditation, cultivation of divine love, character and spiritual discipline, divine love and surrender, using the name of God in worship, faith, discrimination and detachment, and the nature of God. First compiled by Prof. Kasturi, this version has the Sanskrit words rendered into English.

(Fifteenth Chapter of Garuda Purana & Sai Teachings), Translators: Dr. A.P. Narasappa, Dr. Radha Narasappa, Dr. R. Seethalakshmi

This book contains an elucidation of the 15th chapter of the Garuda Purana. The ancient scripture is explained using quotations from Sathya Sai Baba, the Bible, the Koran, the Zend Avesta (Zoroastrian scripture), the Dhammapada (sayings of the Buddha), and the Upanishads, as well as modern medical science. The actual temple referred to in the title is threefold. The first temple is the human being, the embodiment of God's love. The universe, composed of the values of mankind, is the second temple. And because it is difficult for mankind to realize that man is created in the image of God, Swami has conceived Prashanti Nilayam, the third temple, to represent the Divine in a concrete form. (8)

Compiled by Homer S. Youngs

Where do you go when you want to understand a Sanskrit word found in Sathya Sai Speaks, the Vahinis, or any Swami book? This volume contains some 2000 spiritual terms explained by Swami himself. In his discourses and writings, Sathya Sai Baba frequently clarifies the hidden meaning of a Sanskrit word, and many have been assembled here to help the reader. Their sources in Sai literature are also included. Because Swami's explanations are so illuminating, this book is essential for everyone on the path and interesting reading by itself. (S)


In December of 1981, Sathya Sai Baba gave this divine discourse on the True Flowers: non-violence, sense-control, compassion to all beings, forbearance, equanimity, tapas (disciplined spiritual practice), meditation, and truth. Swamistates: "Worship God through real everlasting and enduring flowers, flowers of your virtues, and earn thereby everlasting and enduring rewards" (SSB).

By Dr. Euruch B. Fanibunda

This book by a Zoroastrian doctor is a treasure of distinctive information on so much relating to Sathya Sai Baba: Vibhuthi (sacred ash); the significance of Sai manifestations and his creation of lingams (sacred oval stones, symbolic of divine creation); Swami in dreams; Swami's purpose, the complete (poorna) Avatar; Shirdi Sai Baba; Zoroastrians and Swami; the Gayatri Mantra (the ancient universal Hindu mantra); and the OM. This book contains interesting Swami memories and many highly unusual color photos.

Compiled by D. Hejmadi. M.Sc.

This enlightening and highly practical book contains excerpts from Sathya Sai Baba's divine discourses found in the 11 volumes of Sathya Sai Speaks. Baba's thoughts are arranged in the following areas: the human being, the body, the mind, the senses, happiness, ego, the material world, the goal of human life, activity, dharma (right action), society, love, devotion, and service. (S) (G)

Compiled by Kirit Patel and Vijay Amin

Sathya Sai Baba places enormous emphasis on seva (selfless service) as worship, and that makes this tiny book invaluable. All the ideas have been devotedly culled from Sathya Sai Baba's divine discourses. Some of the chapter headings on selfless service are: Avatars - fine examples of selfless service; law of karma; grace of God; love; service to man is service to God. (Distributed free)

Translated by Camille Svennson with comments selected from the writings of Sai Baba

Written in 400 A.D., Patanjali's short volume is considered to be a classic of yoga philosophy. Defining yoga as "the restraining of the agitations natural to mind", Patanjali proceeds with a series of concise one-line statements that demonstrate how the goal of this discipline is to be won. The progressive stages of mind control, contemplation, spiritual disciplines, divine powers, and realization are revealed and mapped with their accompanying landmarks. The quotations from Swami both explicate and supplement the original teachings. (S)