PDF Problems & Fixes
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Adobe Acrobat Problems and Fixes

Acrobat Reader Top Issues - Please go to the Troubleshooting section of At the Acrobat Reader Site.  There is a link on the left side of the Web Page.

Acrobat Reader System Requirements

Opening PDF Files

Printing PDF Files


Click the above links for detailed information to help with the Acrobat Reader.  If you have trouble loading single pages and the browser wants to download the entire Acrobat file you may also need to reinstall the Acrobat Reader.   The current files we are using for the PDF download are optimized for Acrobat Reader 4.05...  Download the program to the hard drive and install it on the machine rather than the site location.
After the installation you do not have to reboot.  Open the browser to the URL location and select the PDF file you want.  It should open in the browser on page one of the PDF file with the bookmarks on the left side. 

Select the (+) next to the letter on the dropdown list and selected a particular song.  The song page should open in the Browser. 

All the icons for Acrobat Reader should be in the Browser, so you can print, save etc... It also has the icons for zooming, selecting the panes to turn on or off the bookmarks etc...  

If you're having problems, you might try deinstalling the Acrobat Reader; especially if you have multiple versions on your hard disk.  This has been a major problem. 

Do not install the Reader if you are already using the Full Acrobat program.

For the rest of you, reinstall the Reader, and rather than installing from the site location, download the entire program and install it from your computer.  That way you are installing with the browser closed and disconnected from the Internet.  No programs are open.  You want to make sure your browser plugins are installed.  If you are using the Acrobat Program rather than the Reader, then deinstall and reinstall using the Original CD Rom.

Also, Very IMPORTANT...  Under the File drop down list when opening the Acrobat Reader as a standalone program, look under "File" - then "Preferences", and then select the "General" selection, and see what you have checked off... 

  Be sure that "Web Browser Integration" is checked, since this allows integration into your web browser... See that the tab for "Allow Background Downloading" is not checked since this ties up your browser with downloading of the entire file. Also, if you choose to save the file, the entire file is saved not just the single page, so you have to wait for the entire file to download. Others can be checked also since these are your General startup preferences, but these two I think may be some of the problem if the program tries to download everything.    They are generally the default.

Troubleshooting Problems Byteserving PDF Files on the Web or files not downloading a page at a time.

Byteserving, also known as page- at- a- time or byte- range downloading, enables you to view a PDF file from a Web server before the entire file is downloaded  usually one page  is served and displayed when requested, so you only need to wait the time it takes to download a single page before you can view the file. Without byteserving, you need to wait until an entire PDF file downloads before you can start reading it. If the PDF file is large, the delay may be significant depending on your Internet connection.  This takes place without any further input request from the operator as long as the PDF comes from a Web server capable of byte range retrieval and using a browser configured to read PDF files in the browser.