The Mantra
Song Book contains 81 pages of sheet music. The
songs are stored in a single file, a compressed
Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF). The songs are stored in a special
way so that when you click on the link in the beginning of this paragraph, a
window will appear on your screen that contains:
the table of
contents (on the left) and
the first page of the sheetmusic
"book" (on the right).
Click on any entry in the
table of contents to have the corresponding page of sheetmusic appear to the
right. You can then print that page.
However, Adobe
Acrobat Reader must be installed onto your machine. This software is
free. Download it and install it --but read the notes on our page Acrobat
Problems and Fixes for some information on installation.
To download the entire
song book to your computer (assuming it's a Windows system), RIGHT click
your mouse button. Then,
Select: Save link
as... (if use use
Select: Save target as... (if
you use Internet Explorer)
After you decide where on
your computer you want the file, hit "SAVE" to download. Once the
file is on your computer, double click on it to open it in Acrobat Reader.
Now you can open these files from your computer at anytime. But remember, we
do add new sheetmusic from time to time.