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Eesha. Supreme, Lord.

Eeshvarya. Fullest splendour of power.

ekaantha-vaasam. Dwelling in solitude.

eka-bhakthi. One-pointed devotion.

Ekaadhashi. Eleventh day of fortnight of lunar month considered sacred for fasting.

Ekaagratha. One-pointedness of mind.

eshvara-pranidhaana. Surrender to the Lord.

Gaayas. Indhra, Vishnu, Soma, and the Ashvins.

gajendhra. Elephant. In Sathya Sai Speaks III 40, 189, Sai Baba mentions that the Gajendhra or elephant (man) who was caught by the alligator (egotism) while frolicking in the lake (the objective world) was saved by the Lord (spiritual practices).

gandha. Smell, fragrance.

ganja. Marijuana.

gatha-prajna. Lacking wisdom.

gauna. Derived, secondary.

gauna-bhakthi. Indirect or secondary devotion (through rituals).

gaura. Saffron colour.

gayas. Vital airs.

Geetha-bhavanam. Mansion of Geetha.

Geethopaasana (Githopasana). Adoring God as the Master who teaches the Geetha that reveals the way.

ghaat. Steps leading to river's edge on hilly terrain.

ghana. Heavy, great.

ghanta. Bell, gong.

glaani. Decline, weakening.

gopee (gopi). Cowherd maiden.

gopura. Decorated gate to the temple.

gothra. Family, race, lineage.

grantha. Scriptual text or book.

grihalakshmee. Goddess of the home.

grihastha. Householder, one of the four stages of life.

grihastha-dharma. Dharma of householder.

grihinee (grihini). Housewife.

guda. Sugar.

gudaakesha (gudakesa). Master of senses; thick-haired (Arjuna). A person who has overcome sloth, sleep, and ignorance.

guna. Quality, characteristic. The qualities of satthva, rajas, and thamas (serenity, passion, ignorance) are general universal characteristics of all kinds of mental tendencies and actions/ thoughts, which are prompted by specific kinds and mixtures of these three qualities. For example, saatthvik food is health-giving, strength-giving and delightful; raajasik food is spicy, sour, or salty and brings on diseases; and thaamasik food is impure, old, stale, tasteless, or rotten.

guru. Preceptor, teacher, guide to spiritual liberation.

guru-kulas. Spiritual teachers' houses, where pupils were educated.

guru-puthra. Son of guru.

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Haarathi. Ritual worship in which lights are waved; also called Aarathi.

halaahala. A deadly poison, produced by gods and demons at the churning of the ocean.

hamsa. Swan.

Hari-prasaadha. Offerings blessed by God (Hari).

hatha-yoga. The yoga of body postures.

havis. Sacred offering into the ritual fire place.

hemantha. Winter.

himsa. Violence.

Hiranyagarbha. Cosmic divine mind; cosmic womb; golden egg first created by Brahman from which all creation issued.

homa. Oblation to the gods performed, by throwing ghee (clarified butter) on the sacred fire.

hridhaya. Heart.

hridhaya-apahaari. Stealer of hearts.

hridhaya-kshethra. Heart field.

hridhaya-pushpa. Heart-lotus.

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iccha. Wish, desire.

iccha-shakthi. Will power.

ida-naadi-maarga. Path of the psychic nerve; current flowing through the left nostril; the cooling lunar nerve, as compared to the heating solar nerve naadi.

idham (idam). This.

indhriya-moha. Sublimation of the senses.

indhriya-nigraha. Control of the senses.

indhriyas (indriyas). Senses.

Ishtadhevatha. Chosen deity.

ithihaasa. Historical legend, traditional account of former events.

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jaagrath (jagrath). Waking state.

jada. Inert matter.

jagadheesha. Lord of the cosmos or world.

jagath. Cosmos, world of change, creation.

jagath-guru. Preceptor of the world.

Jai. Hurrah, victory.

Jain. Adherent of Jainism, Indian religion traceable to Mahaaveera of the 6th century B.C.

Jainopaasana. Jain mode of worship.

jala. Water.

jala-thatthva. Water element or principle.

jana-balam. Strength of people.

jangama. The moving.

janma. Birth.

japa. Soft prayer or repetition of the name of God.

jaraa. Senility.

jeeva (jiva). Individual soul with ego.

jeeva-aathma. Soul or true Self.

jeeva-bhaava. Body-oriented feeling.

jeeva-bhraanthi. Mistaken identification with the individual.

jeevan-muktha. One who is liberated in this life.

jeevan-mukthi. Liberation while alive.

jeeva-thatthva. Life principle.

jeevathva-buddhi. Body attachment; identification with the body.

jeevi (jivi). Individual or soul.

jijnaasa. Yearning to know.

jijnaasu. Seeker of wisdom, inquirer.

jnaana (jnana). Spiritual knowledge, experiential wisdom.

jnaana-bhaaskara. Sun of spiritual wisdom.

jnaana-maarga. Path of spiritual wisdom.

jnaana-nethra. Eye of spiritual wisdom.

jnaana-siddhi. Perfection in spiritual wisdom.

jnaana-svaruupa. The embodiment of spiritual wisdom.

jnaana-yajna. Sacrifice involving spiritual wisdom.

jnaana-yoga. Path of inner contemplation, spiritual wisdom.

jnaana-yogi. Yogi on the path of wisdom.

jnaanendhriyas. Five organs of perception: eye, ear, tongue, nose, and skin.

jnaani (jnani). Wise man, realized soul.

jnaatha (jnatha). Knower.

jnaathum (jnatum). Knowing.

jneya. That which is known, the object of knowledge.

Jyeshtha. Lunar mansion of Indhra.

jyothi. Divine light.

jyothirvedha. Science of planets and stars and their influence on human beings; astrology.

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kaala. Time, death (yama).

kaala-chakra. Divine weapon of time.

kaama. Desire, lust, worldly fulfillment; one of four goals of human beings.

kaamya-karma. Acts done to gain the fruits thereof.

kaanda. Canto, chapter; stalk, water.

kaanuka (kanuka). Gift.

kaarana (karana). Causal or cause.

kaarmik. Of or pertaining to karma.

Kaartheeka. October-November.

kaaya. Body.

kaivalya. Absolute oneness, final beatitude.

kaivalya-mukthi. Absolute unity with the Supreme; final emancipation.

kali-purusha. Personification of the kali-yuga, the evil age.

Kali-yuga. Fourth in the cycle of four eras or yugas, our present age, the dark, evil age; characterized by discord and wrong action.

Kalpatharu. (a) Heavenly wish-fulfilling tree in Indhra's paradise.

kamandalu. (a) Ascetic's water pot.

karma. (a) Activity, action, work, duty. (b) Fate; the consequences of acts done in this life and past lives.

karma-atheetha. Beyond karma.

karma-bhrashtha. Action without restraint or control; fallen or sinful person.

karma-bhuumi. Land of karma, Godward-directed activity; India.

karma-dheha. Body acquired as a result of action.

karma-kshethra. Field of activity.

karma-maarga. Path of renunciation of the fruit of action.

karma-siddhi. Success in action.

karma-yoga. Yoga of action.

karma-yogi. Yogi who dedicates his actions to God.

karmendhriyas. Organs of action: larynx, hands, feet, anus, sex organs.

kartha. Doer, subject of action.

karthavya-karma. Bounden duty.

Karthik. October-November.

karthrithva. Doership, agency of action.

karuna. Compassion.

kashmalam. Faintheartedness, impurity.

katham. How.

kavi. Poet; seer of the future.

keerthana (kirthana). Recital of the name of God.

kodhanda. bow.

Kodhanda bow. Particular kind of bow; Raama's bow.

Koham. Who am I.

kosha. Sheath.

kraantha-dharshi. Seeing the next step; person with intuitive knowledge of the future; seer.

krama-mukthi. Liberation in stages, progressive emancipation.

krathu. Sacrifice.

krauncha. Poison.

kripayaa-vishtham. Overwhelmed by pity.

krishna. Black.

Krishna-arpanam. Dedication to God.

krishna-maarga. Path of the Manes; dark path, as distinguished from the path of light.

krishna-paksha. Dark half of month, when moon is diminishing.

Kritha-yuga. First in the cycle of four ages or yugas, the Golden age of truth.

kriyaa. Action, activity.

krodha. Anger.

krosha. Cry, shout.

kshamaa. Patience, fortitude, forgiveness.

kshara. Perishable; the destructible world.

kshatham. Sorrow, hurt, wound.

kshathriya. Protector, warrior; see Caste.

kshema. Welfare, happiness.

kshethra. Field or life.

kshethra-jna. Knower of the truth of life.

kshethra-paalaka. Guardian of fields, body, or holy place.

ku-dharashan. Distorted vision, false vision.

kumbhaka. Retention of air.

kumkum. Auspicious mark of vermillion placed on forehead.

kuru-kshethra. Field of battle or action.

kusha. Grass used in Vedhik ritual ceremonies.

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