About Seva    ̚A

Love seeks no reward: Love is its own reward. Transform Love into Service.Transform Service into worship. That is the highest discipline(sadhana).


Believe that there is no morality higher than Truth, there is no prayer more fruitful than Seva.

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Service is the ship by which one can cross the ocean of Samsara.


You may not get chance to partake in some gigantic scheme of service through which millions may be benefitted; you can lift a lame lamb over a stile or lead a blind child across a busy road. That too is an act of worship.

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Do not judge others to decide whether they deserve your service. Find out only whether they are distressed: that is enough credential. Do not examine how they behave toward others; they can be certainly transformed by love.


Learn to give, not to take, learn to serve, not to rule.

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Service is twice blessed, making the giver and the receiver happy.


Service is worship. Each act of service is a flower placed at the feet of God.


Service to man is more valuable than service to God. God is not in need of your service.


Service to man is service to God.


Serving those who do service to us is but a natural reaction, Serving those who harm us is the greatest virtue.


Be convinced that the service of man is the only means by which you can serve God. Be convinced that man is all living cells in the body of God.


"Gift" is a meritorious act if it is rendered to the needy at the time of need, in a manner that fulfills the need, it must be made without pride and publicity.

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God will certainly be pleased if you give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry and clothes to naked.


He who dedicates his time, skill and strength to service can never meet defeat, distress or disappointment. He will have no foe, no fatigue, no fear.


Knowing the way is not enough, the path must be traversed to reach the destination. That journey is service to society.


Relief and joy you give to the sick and the sad, reach me. For ,I am in their hearts and I am the one they call out for.


There is no greater gift than giving food to a hungry man.


Through reading you gather information, but through service you get transformation.


Wealth that you hoard is not yours, wealth that you have given is really yours.