Om Bhur Bhuva Suvah Tat Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
Oh Mother, who subsists in all the three Kaalas (Time: Past, Present
and Future), in all the three lokas (Lokas: Heaven, Earth and Lower Regions) and in all
the three gunas (Gunas - Attributes: Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas), I pray to Thee, to
illumine my intellect and dispel my ignorance just as the splendrous sunlight dispels all
darkness. I pray to Thee to make my intellect serene and bright and enlightened.
Om Sayeeshwaraya Vidhmahe Sathya Devaya Dheemahi Thannassarvah Prachodayath
I know through Gurus and Shastras (and by direct experience) that
Sai is God Himself; He is Bhagawan and Easwara. I meditate on this form in my heart with
all my mental faculties. He is the embodiment of truth, divinity, universal consciousness
and the one who pervades all the worlds. I pray to Sathya Sai Parameshwar to direct our
intellect to engage in auspicious and righteous activities. I meditate on this great Form.