Ganesha Idol Immersion Ceremony

As per the tradition of immersing the idols, the 12th of September was chosen as the day of immersion. That afternoon a procession of all Ganesha idols arrived in the Sai Kulwanth hall amidst cheerful shouts of "Jai Sai Ganesh Maharaj Ki !" (Hail be to Lord Sai Ganesha). On one side there were bhajans being sung and on the other there was vedam. The atmosphere was electrifying. Each of the idols was placed on a beautiful palanquin or a chariot. Each chariot was flanked on the sides by students in colourful attires. The chariots themselves were in various shapes: if one was like a conch the other was like a butterfly.

Swami went to each chariot, posed for photographs, broke scores of coconuts, and gave immense happiness to everybody. Later on the chariots left for the Sai Gita shed were the idols were immersed in a well near by.

Hundreds of boys participated in flanking the chariots, and Swami filled each and every one of them with joy unbounded with His proximity and love.

May Ganesha bless you all that you may experience the lord's love more and more !

Click on an image to see a larger vision.

Glimpses during the Ganesha Idol Immersion Ceremony
on 12th September 2002 at Prasanthi Nilayam